The creator of this world, and of everything in it, olorum (Supreme God), left solution to everything. Jesus Christ in turn not only healed the sick but also taught how to heal. Perhaps the ignorance and lack of faith of people, makes someone suffer many, many sick years lying in a bed without need of it. I say this because I am a person governed by faith and trust in the things of the spirit world. There is a certain spiritual work we do here that, whatever the disease, properly done this spiritual work, the person will be cured. I say this because 98% of diseases come from spiritual things, and in this case a good vedu sarcedote will know what to do to get that person out of their suffering. This work works as follows: We do the first job right here, and we will send via e-mail some teachings to the person as: Blowouts and some simple spells to be made in the patient's own home.
Also known as uncured or invisible diseases, are those that have been interposed through witchcraft to harm and even kill slowly who is provided. These artificial diseases can physically and mentally end the sufferer and can only be dealt with using Black Magic and sacrifices to break and return evil to those who caused it.
Value of this work: Free
Duration of effects: Undetermined
Method of accomplishment: White magic
Do I have a Spiritual Relationship ?: None